1·The statistical methods, such as t test, rank test and MANOVA were used to analyse the data.
2·Factors were compared with the 2 test, and survival curves were generated and compared with the log rank test.
3·In now a days, technology of computer-based test are widely used in many kinds of diploma tests, post and rank tests, certificate tests.
4·This is because the level of inspector rank test there are some differences, of which there are many factors restricting the test results.
5·Based on the condition, to adjust rank order with semiparametric method for statistical inference is more reasonable in two sample rank test.
6·The common methods of statistical analysis for quantitative data have t test, analysis of variance and rank test. They seem simple, but are liable to be misused.
7·Methods the neural function of primary cerebral infarction patients was studied by the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) with rank test and multiple regression analysis.
8·The new method USES reference portfolio formed on the base of corporation market value to calculate long-run abnormal returns, USES adjusted-t test or rank test to test abnormal returns.
9·Overall these students rank in the 21st percentile on the tests—that is, they did worse than 79 per cent of all children taking the test.
—— 《牛津词典》
10·Methods the quality control in holistic nursing in 18 departments of the hospital was evaluated by rank sum test.